Friday, May 29, 2015

Why I was inactive and what is going on

For last few months, I been asked by so many people that why I am silent and why there is no update in my blog. Actually, this is mainly because of some personal reasons and I was unable to pull my mind together to create something new. At the same time, I was busy with my showreel and working big time on moving out of the country for some big reason. But later, this 'big reason' moved out from my life and.. how can I put it.. I came upon the real reason that all my life was pointing towards. So basically I had a huge turning point in my life and that is why I was silent :-) . So hopefully, now I'm back on my track, continuing to do what I do best. So for a memorabilia for my silent days, here is my solo showreel for year 2014 and 15.

CGI Generalist | Solo Showreel 2013-14 Ravihara Weerathunge from Ravihara Weerathunge on Vimeo.
Soundtrack © Coldplay - Yellow (K.Solis Trap Remix)
© Ravihara Weerathunge 2015
CGI Generalist